Nicholas Crain (12)
as Jack Kelly
Nicholas is the son of Dale and Sonja Crain. He is a golfer, tennis player, and band, marching band and A Cappella member. He has been in high school show choir as a dance captain for four years and played percussion for Flip Side for the past three. West Side Story, Grease, and Anything Goes. Nick is planning on going to UNI and double majoring in Business and Spanish.
Elijah Ellwanger (10)
as Crutchie
Elijah Ellwanger is the son of Karie and David Ellwanger. Elijah participates in various activities in and outside the high school including being in West Side Story last year, varsity show choir, student council, A Cappella Choir, and youth group. Elijah is very excited to perform as Crutchie and hopes you enjoy the show!
Benjamin Richardson (11)
as Race
Ben the son of Mike and Sara Richardson. He is a junior at Indianola High School. He is a member of the Side One, marching band, and A Cappella. He was in Grease and West Side Story. He was told to write in the third person, but I don't know what that means.
Benjamin Sarvis (12)
as Albert
Benjamin the son of Brian and Angela Sarvis. He is excited to be a part of this years production and show all the hard work. He has participated in the past three high school musical productions of Anything Goes, Grease, and West Side Story. He plans to study aviation at Minnesota State, and to continue his music journey through the choirs and musicals there.
Emily Rolands (11)
as Specs
Emily Rolands is the daughter of Mike and Diana Rolands and is a junior at IHS. She is proud to play Specs in this production of Newsies. Emily has been in previous musicals including: Grease, in an ensemble roll, and West Side Story as Graziella. She hopes you enjoy the show!