Newsies Crew
Stage Manager: ** #Rachel Hudson
Assistant Stage Managers Costumes
Addie Thompson Makayla Hoch
Tristan Straight Jade James
Props Ethan Burgess
** #Codey Gilliespie Rail
Sound **Keith Dittmer
**Gabe Buthmann Lights
Abby Voshel **Max Mercer
Spot Op Shift
Nate Zinno #**Tessa Ginder
Matthew Biddle Cameron Bennington
Make up Marsel Rosales Eide
**Ava Buamgaurd Projection Op
Haley Kilgore Mitchell Epley
IHS Theatre Crew Andrew Brittingham
Betsy Richardson Master Carpenter
Matthew Biddle
Theatre Managers and Technical Directors: Pitt Strohm and BrandiAnn Wilson
Set Design: Pitt Strohm
Scenic Paint: BrandiAnn Wilson
** Area Head
# Senior