Alice in Wonderland: Urban Edition - May 10

Indiana Connections Academy

  From the Director  

Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland has delighted generations with the whimsical fantasy world coming alive on the page. As often as I have seen and read various adaptations, I am always struck by the staunch parallels to our own reality - it is easy to shrug off Carroll's odd characters and seemingly psychotic plotlines as interesting writing - but when you dive deeper, you discover that you yourself experience times in your life where you are an 'Alice', exploring the world around you, or the 'Rabbit', trying SO hard to keep up with life and time and never succeeding, or even the 'Caterpillar', who ONLY wants to relax and unwind only to be interrupted by an annoying girl with too many questions...such is life. 


This year in Drama Club has been monumental for us. We have had so many firsts, and while we look forward to celebrating them together at the 2nd Annual Drama Club Oscar Awards on May 17th, 2024 at 3pm EST, I want to provide you with a small snippet of what has been accomplished this year:


24 Active Members
8 Officers

Active Twitch Account

Active Drama Club Website

Merchandise Site
4 Full Length Performances
2 Original Student Productions
28 Drama Club Meetings
2 Art Club Collaborations
120+ Audience Members


Drama Club, in each of its successes, continues to be an open, safe space for each of us to be a family to each other. The bonds created here are lasting - and we welcome YOU. Join us and be a part of the magic. 


AIW Cast - I mentioned at the first rehearsal that this would be one of the most visually stunning shows we have produced thus far - from the costumes, to the props, to the playbill - and as you can see, I was not wrong. Your commitment to the TINY details, to your characters, to the long rehearsal hours - have paid off. Thank you - for always giving 150%, for the drive and the passion, for the laughs, and most importantly - thank you for being here. YOU are the EXACT reason I show up every single day - YOU are my 'why'. 


Speaking specifically to my graduating Seniors - take a bow, relish the spotlight - Miss Frizzle is proud of you. 


"Guys, you done good..."


Ms. Smith ~ May 2024

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