Our Immaculate Conception Theater Department has truly been blessed by all the support we have received from our school, parish, community, friends and families in producing our musical. We are incredibly thankful to so many, including....
Monsignor Benwell and Father Edgar for nourishing our spirits and offering prayers and support for our efforts.
David Stone and Diane Eisenhart for understanding the importance of the arts on the development of a child...and letting our "stars" shine their lights here on St. Mary's Hill.
Jane Stein for her professional guidance, advice, creativity, and unending support & friendship that makes our show the very best it could be!
Karen McBride and Jessica Meyer for their amazing artistic design and painting of sets, and their team of talented artists.
Myra Loss for fantastic choreography, not to mention her caring and patient nature in working with this cast.
Carolyn Monaco for being a great administrative director and sharing her special gifts in marketing, communications and amazing bake sales!
Deidre Terpin for her unbelievable coordination of costumes and daily support of our production.
Randy Frey for his unending support of my efforts in this production - - not to mention set construction, painting, photocopying and whatever needs we had during every rehearsal. Also, I want to thank Kyle and Brett Frey for sharing their amazing talents in the orchestra for the past nine ICS productions and for being the best kids ever! So proud of my family!!
Jo Anne Sicat for managing this amazing playbill and for her brother Peter John Ang for creating fantastic advertisements for the cast.
Jon Sicat for sharing his talent in taking great photographs of our cast.
Sharon Latini for her outstanding organization and processing of ticket sales.
Gena James, Ellen Schilke and Robyn Schilke for their wonderful professional help with the technical side of the production and stage crew.