Our Immaculate Conception Theater Department has truly been blessed by all the support we have received from our school, parish, community, friends and families in producing our musical. We are incredibly thankful to so many, including....
Monsignor Randy and Father Edgar for nourishing our spirits and offering prayers and support for our efforts.
Cynthia Kitts and Diane Eisenhart for understanding the importance of the arts on the development of a child...and letting our "stars" shine their lights here on St. Mary's Hill.
Jane Stein for her guidance, advice and friendship during the many rehearsals to make our show the very best it could be.
Myra Loss and Isabel Stein for sharing their dancing talents and wonderful choreography.
Kathrina Durante for taking time out of her busy high school schedule to help the tap dancers learn "Step In Time".
Caroline Lamberti, Faith Gorman and Jen Firesinger for their unbelievable coordination of costumes and making sure that they were kept in excellent order backstage.
Brett Frey, Kyle Frey, Andy Janowiak, Bill Noren, Joan Paciga, Ed Ronco, and Robyn Ryder for sharing their musical gifts.
Karen McBride and Jessica Meyer and their team for their artistic talents in painting the sets and creating the quaint house and beautiful scenery on Cherry Tree Lane.
Randy Frey and Deacon Mike Meyer and their crew for constructing the set from bits and pieces into a showcase for our students.