Xanadu - April 01 - April 02, 2016

Hull High School Theatre Arts


Special thanks to the many people who helped out with this production and have continued with their generous support for Hull High School Theatre Arts.


Ian Barkon, Sharon & Scott Bennett, Karissa Connors, Lisa Dalton, Michael Devine, The Foresta Family, Gina Froio, Patty Gardiner, Tara Grosso, James Hardison, Harvey & Susan Jacobvitz, Paul Jenkins, Rae-an Mullen, Nicole Nosek, John Porcaro & Zachary Porcaro-Sullivan, James "Coach Q" Quatromoni, Diane Saniuk, Barrie Smith, Peter Sommers, Sharon Striglio, Dr. Kathleen Tyrell, Fran Troy, Paula Whalen, The Custodial Staff at Hull High School, The Friends of Hull High School Theatre Arts, The National Honor Society, and especially the parents and families of our student participants.


Congratulations to our graduating seniors and to their families.  You have been an inspirtation to the members of Hull High School Theatre Arts.  Thank you for all your dedication, hard work, and love.  




HHSTA Rollerskating at Carousel Family Fun Center

HHSTA Rollerskating Trip to Carousel Family Fun Center.








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