Disney's Beauty and the Beast - September 05 - September 08, 2019
Howell PAL Theatre Company
Director……..…………………………....Ms. Gillian Bryck
Choreographer….................................Ms. Cindy Lutz
Production/Stage Manager.................Ms. Cindy Lutz
Costume Designer.......................... Ms. Jacquie Revier
Set Construction......………….…Mr. Michael Moorman
Set Design Artist….....………..…......Mr. Steve Lemoine
Sound Engineer……………....…….....…Mr. Jan Topleski
Lighting Designer……....……................. Mr. Robert Rutt
Music Synchronization..........Ian Lynch, Ava Klugewicz
Student Stage Manager..............................Caitlin Hurley
Student Choreography Assistant...............Giada Garcia
Lighting Board Operator………………...Carly Zambrano
Spotlights………………..….....................James McLeod
Props Assistant..........................................Hope Jensen
Photographer.......................Colette Mancuso Grisanzio
We would like to thank all the parents for their endless support fundraising, taking their children to and from rehearsals, as well as to all the publicity showcases, and all the other countless ways you made this production possible!
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