Synopsis: Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (Enchanted Edition)
Act I: The fairy godmother tells us about Cinderella's past and predicts that the young woman's luck is about to change. Meanwhile, Cinderella bumps into disguised Prince Christopher when she goes into town with her stepmother and stepsisters. Cinderella and Christopher immediately sense a strong kinship but are separated by the chaos that ensues when Lionel, the royal steward, announces the upcoming royal ball. Back in the palace, Christopher protests against the ball to his parents, but ultimately agrees to attend. Meanwhile, Cinderella is urged by her animal friends to attend -- but has her dress torn by the stepmother and is forced to stay home while they depart for the ball. When all seems lost, the godmother appears and works some "impossible" magic so that Cinderella can go to the ball.
Act II: Prince Christopher is having a terrible time at the ball when Cinderella appears and he falls in love with her. The two dance while everyone wonders who she is. The stepmother and stepsisters are exasperated by the success of this unknown young woman, and everything seems to be going well for Cinderella and Prince Christopher until the clock strikes midnight. Cinderella runs off, accidentally leaving behind one glass slipper as she flees. Prince Christopher orders a search for the young woman whose foot fits the slipper. The stepmother tries in vain to prevent Cinderella from trying on the shoe: Prince Christopher and Cinderella are reuinted, and the entire kingdom rejoices as they celebrate their new princess.

The cast of HFHS's Cinderella: first read-through.