Our deepest gratitude to...
Our dedicated Holy Family theater students who came in most Saturday mornings to dance for three hours tirelessly!
To the robotics club who assisted with ideas and concepts for the kites.
To the tech students who stayed evenings and weekends to help make the magic of this show happen! In particular, Jonathan Otte who is responsible for most of the special effects during the show and gave up many Saturdays and late nights to work behind the scenes without seeking any recognition.
HFHS theater parents for supporting their sons and daughters on the stage and behind the scenes!
We also thank the many parents who provided set construction, props, organizational assistance, special notes, tech week snacks, cast meals during show week and donations for concessions and tiger grams.
Special thanks to Ann Marie White for creating the program!
Our donors and supporters who are always willing to go the extra mile to make theater a success at Holy Family.
I would like to give a special thank you to the generous donors to the Holy Family theater program which allowed us to add a scrim curtain and extra wireless mics to this and future productions.
Our advertisers- thank you for your support! We urge our community to patronize the businesses listed in our program!
Principal Matt Hauptly, HFHS administrators, faculty, and staff for their support of theater at Holy Family.
Mr. Matt Montgomery and Mary Fountaine, HFHS Directors of Facilities and Safety, and the HFHS custodial staff for keeping the facilities in top condition for our shows!
Jeff Beaton, HFHS Director of Communications, for support and promotion.
Mr. Bertles for giving up his evenings and weekends to share his expertise in dancing and performing with the students. We could not do this without him!
Finally, special thanks to Mr. Tom Barger who commits considerable time and talent to building set pieces and props for Holy Family productions! Thank you, Mr. Barger!