Special Thanks to:
First United Methodist Church for graciously hosting our show
Thomas Newsome for coordinating our facility use
Matt for helping us coordinate all things tech
Steph Guida for helping to coordinate all of our fundraising
All of the parents who helped make this show possible through painting, set building, donating props, etc.
Pastor Sue and the Holy Cross Lutheran Church Council for all of your help and support
Carol Dorn for your guidance and support with the logistics of the show
From our choroegrapher, Michael
Thank you to the United Methodist Church for housing us for this production.
Thank you to Shrek 2 for giving us the second best version of Holding Out for a Hero, second only to the version you will see during this production.
Thank you to all the parents, siblings, and friends of the cast who offered their help in whichever way we needed, and especially to the parents for sharing their weekends and their insanely talented kids with us.
And, of course, thank you to Molly for being the heart of this theater group. She may be a leader with many fears, but she always tackles these shows with such passion and such a love for this theater group, and we would actually be nothing at all without her.
Footloose Trivia
The idea of a real place banning something as joyous as dancing might sound preposterous, but it’s true! Shortly after its establishment in 1898, Elmore City, Oklahoma outlawed the activity, apparently on religious grounds and to deter more, erm, rambunctious behaviors. Fast forward to 1980, local high schoolers decided they wanted to get footloose and lobbied the school board to lift the ban. Following an internal showdown, they narrowly tipped the scales in their favor, reportedly with the board’s president ultimately declaring, “Let ’em dance.” The students then planned for their “Stairway to Heaven” themed prom, marking an end to the prohibition and offering a blueprint for this iconic movie.