Danielle Bodney
Danielle Bodney is a 13 year old 7th grader at LCMS. Her 2 favorite roles have been as a Workhouse Kid in Mellodrama’s Oliver and Fern Arable in the Holly’s Charlotte’s Web. Danielle loves singing, dancing, acting, and cheerleading! Enjoy the gift of Xanadu; it rocks!
Skyler Bruce
Skyler Bruce is a 14 year old student from Otwell Middle School. She has been in several performances on the Holly main stage including Aladdin, My Son Pinocchio, Peter Pan and wizard of oz. Skyler is excited to be a part of this amazing show!
Fallon Croxton
Fallon is 12 years old and has recently been on the Holly stage as Susan in White Christmas and King Louis in Jungle Book. She has had so much fun being in the fantastic show, Xanadu!
Jordyn Elzey
She is 14 and has been doing shows since, she was 10 years old. She's enjoyed it from the start and is super excited to me in this, she's done 5 musicals and 2 plays and is SUPER happy that this is her 6th.
Destinee Ferguson
Destinee Ferguson is a sophomore at North Hall High School. She is active in her high school drama department and very much enjoys the theatre experience. She has been in multiple shows here at the Holly and her high school.