There are few things in life that compare to the thrill of opening night of a production. I have expressed many times to my students how much I love the stage, how the stage can transport the audience to not only a different part of the world but a completely different time and culture. We hope that you feel this tonight as you watch Mary Poppins.
When I saw Mary Poppins the musical for the first time on Broadway in New York City I never could have imagined that we would putting this on our stage here in Holbrook just 8 years later. I loved the musical then as I do today not just because of the amazing musical numbers or the magic that happens live on stage. I love it because it makes me want to be a better husband and father. It makes me want to hug my loved ones just one more time, for just a little longer. It makes me want to take the time to go fly that proverbial kite. I hope when you leave her tonight you are more than entertained but ready to go fly your kite.
Musicals are fun and bring together all of the arts in one program. To do this it takes a community effort and the community of Holbrook once again showed why we love to call Holbrook home. I need to publicly thank Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robbie Koerperich and High School Principal Lance Phaturos for their overwhelming support of this musical and all the arts, without this support this could have never been more than an idea.
I once read an article where a CEO claimed to be the dumbest person in his company. I have tried to live by this as I have directed this musical. The point is I have surrounded myself with people who could do their jobs better than me, trusted them to do it and the results have exceeded my expectations. Everyone who worked on making this production a reality did so as volunteers and received only the warm feeling of service and the gratitude of the cast. Thank You to all those who gave freely of their time, talents and energies.
Faith Caffey who willingly came along on this wild ride with her former student, she has been able to pull the best out these students time and time again. Dwayne Hawk, Kreslie Hawk and family for their amazing artwork on the sets you see tonight. Loni Hatch for her fantastic choreography. David Smith for building a house that is even better than his last one and we didn't think that was possible. Brian and Daisy Gohl and Mariah Hatch for the lights and sound, all our work doesn't mean anything if you can't see and hear. Margaret McClellan for taking on the huge undertaking of making sure every person on stage is in the appropriate costume. Holly Christensen and Debbie Shumway for rounding up all the many props needed, this show is easily the most complicated show I have ever done as far as props are concerned. Sarah Meeks and all the orchestra members, they make us sound good. My amazing wife Alli who did this awesome playbill and every other little thing I needed along the way all with 3 rugrats in tow and one on the way. Without her I would have quit long ago, she is my strength and my muse.
Thank you to all the parents who have shared your kids with us these last few long months and late night as we have prepared them for this experience. I am lucky enough to work with the very best students at Holbrook High School and while sometimes they may not believe it, they need to know that I truly love and appreciate each and everyone of them. I know this will be a benefit to them throughout their life for the things they have learned. Our mission statement is "Making memories, making music." and tonight we are making one amazing memory.