Kelly Anglin (as Allana, Ariel's sister/ princess)
I’m Kelly, and I'm a sophomore at HHS. This is my sixth show at Highland. I’ve also performed in several shows with MTVarts. I love to cheer, act, and hang out with my friends. When I graduate I want to go to college and become a teacher. I would like to thank my mom, brother, and dad for driving me to all my rehearsals and supporting me! Thank you all for coming. I hope you enjoy the show!
Derek Bower (as Chef Louis)
Derek Bower is performing his fifth show on the "new" Highland stage. Derek is a teacher at Highland Middle School as well as a middle school volleyball coach and high school track coach. Derek is also president of the Highland Athletic Boosters. He would like to thank Mr. Bell for continuing to allow him to do something he is passionate about.
Raven Bump (as Sea Creature/Seagull)
Raven is in 5th grade at Highland Elementary. This is her fourth production at Highland. She enjoys reading and playing soccer, softball, and basketball.
Madison Chaffee (as Sea Creature/Seagull)
I’m Madison Chaffee, and I am a senior this year. This is my first show, and I’m excited to be here! In the future, I hope to go to college and receive a degree in world history. I’ve been in choir all four years of high school and am taking vocal studios this year.
Madison Cline (as Sea Creature/Seagull)
This is my first play, and I am very happy to be a part of it! I would like to thank my parents for dealing with my very busy schedule. I am an artist in my free time, and I dream of one day voice acting in a cartoon or animated movie.