Amy Anglin, Amy Decker, Sara Hershberger, Kara Jones, Heather Scarbury, Tonya Wickham
Props Mistress
Logan Denman
Props Assistants
Jimmy Griffith, Tina Griffith
Sound Technicians
Andrew Kougher, Annabelle Zerby
Light Board Operator
Nicholas Witt
Spotlight Operator
Simon Clarke
Set Design and Construction
Joseph Bell and the Highland Theater Arts Class
Stage Crew
Derek Bower, Logan Denman, Tina Griffith, Zach Izev, Jon Jensen, Carina Kougher, Emily Kougher, Quenton Kougher, Troy Messmer, Jared Pierce, Jud Thompson, Josh Williams
Makeup Supervisors
Hannah Dillion, Cathy Poppell, Ashley Watson
Makeup Assistants
Logan Denman, Liz Jensen, Livvie Tocash
House Manager
Shelby Holcomb
Tami Colley, Betsy Wright
Susie Karya
Meals/Cast Dinner
Cathy Poppell
School Displays and Lobby Decor
Amy Anglin, Holcomb family, Kara Jones, Cathy Poppell, Tonya Wickham
How many Mickey Mouse heads can you spot on stage during the performance? See Mr. Bell after the show. If you have the exact number, you win a prize! (open to grades K through 8)