Shrek The Musical - May 31 - June 02, 2023

Henry Street High School

 Director's Note 

Welcome to the Henry Street production of Shrek!  We've worked long and hard on this production, and we hope that you enjoy it.  I am particularly proud of the degree to which we've been able to involve members of the visual arts community.  Many artists, including Ms. Morris' art class have contributed their visions and skills to the set.  I would like to thank Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. McKinnon, Mrs. McRae, Mrs. McKay, Ms. Fattori, Mr. Flynn, and Ms. Wilson for their help.  I also would like to note the extraordinary contributions and commitment of my stage manager, Skylar Perrier.  She has been indispensible.   I am lucky this year to have such strong student leadership, not just backstage but at the tech table, during choreography sessions, and helping me direct small groups.  
Our production of Shrek diverges somewhat from other productions you may have seen.  The first major changes you will notice are the decision to use a thrust stage for most of the staging and the fact that our Shrek is female.   We've included a lot of other bits that we hope you'll enjoy, and which represent slight deviations from the original.  Regardless, I think I can speak for the group when I say that we've had a lot of fun preparing this production for you, and I hope that you'll enjoy watching it just as much.
Thanks for supporting the arts at Henry!
Mr. D. McKay

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