Lend Me a Tenor - December 08 - December 09, 2023

Hempstead High School

 From the Chair of the Director 

     This is perhaps the most difficult part of any production because you never want to forget anyone who has helped bring this vision to life. 


     I first and foremost want to thank God, for without Him, nothing is possible!


     To my absolutely INCREDIBLE cast: You rose to the occasion with this play that pulled you out of your comfort zone! I hope you see the immense potential within yourselves! It is always an honor and pleasure to work with you all. Continue to reach for greater. 


     Ms. Blackburn and Mr. Dolan: to quote the late great Tina Turner; YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST!! BETTER THAN ALL THE REST!!! Thank you for constant support and plotting with me!  


     Special thanks to Ms. Gray, Mr. Reichart, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Taylor! We could not have done this without you! 


     Dr. Rodriguez, Thank you for sharing your wit, expertise, doughnuts and also co-signing the crazy, and ignoring the amount of money I spend on productions :-)!  


     To our building administration: Thank you for understanding that the arts are a way for our students to not only express themselves, but to thrive and be successful! Your support is invaluable! 


     I also greatly appreciate the support from our Central Office Administration and the Board of Education. 


     It is an honor to work with an awesome mix of students and staff, and I look forward to many more successful prductions and years at HHS!


Your Obedient Servant,

+Dr. A. Bell

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