Samantha Alberta
(Wicked Witch of the West) Sam, age 10, 5th grade. Samantha loves art, snowboarding, and running. She is so excited to be the Wicked Witch of the West, and wishes everyone in the play “Good Luck”!
Grace Anicito
(Munchkin, Jitterbug, Emerald City Person, Winged Monkey) Grace, age 10, 4th grade. Grace loves music and gymnastics. The Wizard of Oz is her introduction to the theatre and promises to be the first of many memorable performances.
Tyler Bachrach
(Toto) Tyler, age 10, 5th grade. This is Tyler's first experience on stage and he is very excited to be playing the part of Toto. During his free time he enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing video games!
Nevada Brown
(Munchkin, Apple Tree, Jitterbug, Emerald City Person, Ozian) Nevada, age 9, 4th grade. This is Nevada's first production with Hawes School. Nevada has previously performed in "The Little Mermaid". She likes being on stage and performing for her friends and family.
Timmy Caulfield
(Munchkin, Jitterbug, Emerald City Person, Winkie Guard) Timmy, age 9, 4th grade. He has performed in two Stage Right shows, but this is his appearance in a Hawes School musical, and he is having a great time so far. Timmy enjoys playing soccer, basketball and skiing.