Steel Magnolias - April 15 - April 16, 2022

Harrisburg High School

 Optional Content 

Director's Notes

When I first saw the movie Steel Magnolias thirty years ago, it was an instant love affair. I've seen the movie so many times, I could perform the entire show by myself - playing every part with fidelity.  


With all of my theater experience, this show is my debut as a director. Working with these six young ladies has been a roller coaster ride of emotions - excitement, fear, frustration, withdrawn, desperation, maybe a little depression, but most of all, it's been joy to see these actresses grow as they learned their lines, blocking, and embraced their characters.


I invite you to sit back and join the ladies at Truvy's Glamour Shop as they navigate life's ups and downs together. And "as some always said….if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody…come sit by me.” 

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