Disney's High School Musical - March 17 - March 19, 2022

Harrington Theatre Arts Company

 Directors' Note 


“Only when normal things are not normal anymore do we realize how special normal things are” - Unknown



Thank you all for coming to tonight’s performance of Disney’s High School Musical. The cast, pit, and production staff have worked tirelessly from the beginning of winter session to put on this performance for you all to enjoy. Try to forget about your daily and worldly stresses and take this time to sit back and lean into the nostalgia of this stage adaptation of a classic Disney Channel Original Movie. 

In the few days we take a glimpse into life at East High in High School Musical, we get to see what happens when people dare to dream bigger for themselves than they have ever imagined. Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other, but they also fall in love with new parts of themselves along the way. Friendships and relationships are formed between previous clique divides, and everyone is made better for it in the end. In addition to its hilarity and flair, Disney’s High School Musical has real heart at its core, and it lets us explore what makes up the “authentic you.”

Much like Gabriella and Troy, many of us in HTAC have found ourselves through theatre—even those of us who never anticipated being part of the theatrical arts in college. These moments of serendipitous self-discovery end up being the most formative, as they shape how we see ourselves fitting into the world. After nearly two years of being unable to return to this place of self-creation, we could not be more excited to take the stage and share this story with you. 

Thank you for starting something new with us, and get’cha head in the game for the Harrington Theatre Arts Company’s production of Disney’s High School Musical!


Coleson Weir and Sammy Simon
Co-Artistic Directors

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