Disney's High School Musical - March 17 - March 19, 2022

Harrington Theatre Arts Company


To our audience: Thank you for coming to our production of Disney’s High School Musical. We hope that you enjoy the show and that it takes you back to the early 2000s! 


To the cast: Thank you, thank you, thank you. We cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you have put into this performance. We could not have done this with any other cast. This show was done in the short block, but you did it—and it looks phenomenal! You all made our last semester so memorable, and we will never forget how much fun we had with you all.


To the pit: The music sounds incredible. You all put in so much hard work to learn this music and make it come to life. Without you, this show would not be what it is. We greatly appreciate all of your dedication and passion that went into this show!


Lauren: We cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you have put into this show. No one will truly know how instrumental you have been to our success. From all of the late night FaceTime calls from across the Atlantic to the advice you have provided, we truly could not have asked for a better production manager. We have seen you grow so much through your time in HTAC, from being stage crew in Mamma Mia! to being production manager of this show, and we could not be more proud of you. We know that you are going to do amazing things in the future!


Leia: What a musical direction debut! Thank you for bringing not only your talent but your kind-hearted nature to every rehearsal and meeting. We are so grateful to have had you on our team, and the cast sounds amazing. You are a gem, and your future students are lucky to have you.


Michael and Brianne: You two have been the epitome of a dynamic duo. The choreography is everything we hoped for and more, and your rehearsals were the highlight of everyone’s day. Thank you for going above and beyond your station (and in Michael’s case, doing double duty as graphics, too), and thank you for helping everyone look amazing while they Bop to the Top! 


Sydney: We are still so excited to have managed to bring your talents back to HTAC for another show. Thank you for tackling a large show in such a short amount of time. We know how many unpredictable things happened, but we appreciate your calm and collected demeanor while problem solving with poise. You are an incredibly talented person, and we hope that you continue to bring your talents to HTAC! 


Chelsea, Sophia, and Rachel: You truly are the best SM team ever. Thank you for tackling such a large show in a short amount of time and working your magic to schedule around everyone’s conflicts with grace. You have been the most amazing support system for everyone involved both on- and off-stage for this production.


Nick, Kathryn, Gabe, and Alex: This set is massive, and look at that platform! We know that building a set this large is no small undertaking, especially when you are still students, but you did it. From 1 a.m. calls to redesign the set to the late nights of tech week, your work has created such an iconic set that will be remembered by audiences and the HTAC community. Thank you for everything that you have done to make this show come to life.

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