Declan Bado
Production Manager
Declan Bado is a sophomore Neuroscience and Biological Sciences double major at UD. This is his fifth show with HTAC! He was very excited to be on the production staff, it has been incredible experience to grow as a leader through his positions on the P-staff. To the entire production staff - thank you - you all have been an incredible team. He very much so hopes you enjoy the show.
Chelsea Kirnum
Artistic Director
Chelsea is a Junior Psychology major with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences. Chelsea is very excited to be making her directorial debut with Dogfight and would like to thank everyone who has been a part of the production. She would like to thank her family and friends for all of their support and for listening along to the soundtrack for the past three months! Enjoy the show!
Ellie Canning
Assistant Artistic Director
Ellie is a sophomore Latin and Iberian Studies and Art History double major from Virginia. She is overjoyed to be assistant directing one of her favorite shows alongside Chelsea Kirnum, who brought her into HTAC. She has worked on three other HTAC shows. Otherwise, she can be found running or eating UDairy ice cream. Many thanks to the spectacular cast and crew for creating such a beautiful show.
Brett Isza
Music Director
Brett Izsa comes to us with a trove of skills in the genre of musical theatre and opera directing. Brett is credited for work on many Universit of Delaware Opera Theatre (UDOT) and HTAC productions. Brett serves full time as the associate director of music for UDOT, and is an active pit musician in the Philadelphia metro area. Brett studies conducting under Dr. James Allen Anderson.
Sarah Warkentin
Sarah is so excited to be able to choreograph her first show! This is Sarah's seventh show with HTAC and she has loved every show! She has loved working with the staff and the cast and thanks them for this wonderful opportunity to create dances for this wonderful show! Break a leg!