I dreaded writing this note because then I would have to face the reality that rehearsals are nearly over, and I won't get to spend every day looking at all of these beautiful faces. When I first decided that I wanted to direct a show, the song "A Way Back to Then" immediately came to mind, and I knew that after repeatedly having my mother tell me to be quiet as I sung it in the shower, it was time to bring this show from my shower to the stage.
There are so many words that I could use to describe [title of show], but then again, I think that contradicts its' simplistic beginnings. There is something truly magical that happens when you put a group of friends in a room with pen, paper, chairs and a keyboard; add in the quirks, one liners, inside jokes, and diva personalities, and you've got gold. I think we, as an audience, can easily relate to these characters and the relationships they share, and that is what makes [title of show] more than just a musical.
Have you ever been involved in something that you just never wanted to lose? And sometimes people would say to you, "you're next step in life will get even better!" Well, I agree, but only a little. The people in this cast and crew will move on to other shows, or other schools, and their own original musicals will continue to grow, but like Jeff, Hunter, Susan, Heidi and Larry, we will all be able to look back on this wonderful time and say we're glad to have done this show.
This cast and crew has done an absolutely incredible job, and I can't wait for you to enjoy what I have been able to enjoy for the last couple of months. Sit back, relax, kill some vampires and become part of it all. Shout out to my fabulous cast: #tippyturtle.
With All the Love in My Belly,
Jennifer Wells