High School Musical, Jr - March 29 - March 30, 2023

Hackensack Middle School

 The Visionary Corner 

About the Student Director...




     Aasiba Mohamed,14, is this year's student director of High School Musical Jr. Currently, she’s been in 4-5 plays, but this is her first time as director. Last year, for Aladdin Jr. she was the stage manager. Aasiba has been in drama club since 5th grade, and was in productions before that. She has been both onstage and backstage, though she prefers helping others over acting. This is her final middle school performance, because she is attending HHS in the fall. Due to her love for the theater, she will most likely be back next year to assist in the play, and plans to join the High School Drama Club!

     There are many reasons why Aasiba chooses to join the drama club each year. Drama club actually helps her pursue many of her hobbies, and she loves being able to see her visions come to life! Some of her favorite things about drama were the set designs, the prop making, the staging, the choreo, and the people there randomly bursting into song. "Drama club is really such a safe place, and it’s somewhere that feels great to be in. The people there are amazing, and on stage, anything goes! There’s pretty much nothing that can’t happen on stage, which just makes everything so much better. I’m so glad I got the chance to be a part of this community, and I hope I get to continue being a part of drama in later years!"

     Aasiba has many people that she’s grateful for, who helped make the drama club incredible. Firstly, MS. JONES!! Ms. Jones is absolutely amazing, and has helped Aasiba through everything. They got closer in the 4 years, and she’s the one who chose Aasiba’s positions each year. Without her, the play wouldn’t even be here! Secondly she would like to shout-out Ms. Aguasvivas and Ms. McClenny. There were definitely other phenomenal teachers that helped make the play great, but these were the people Aasiba worked with the most. They’re always funny, supportive, trusting, and they know what to do at all times. If someone wasn’t listening to her, Aasiba could count on Ms. Aguasvivas and Ms. McClenny to help her.

     Lastly, Aasiba would like to thank her wonderful cast and crew, who she’s grown close to. Some of the people in the cast/crew have been in drama with her since the 5th grade! She always feels happy when she’s with them, and it’s more like working with friends! She would like to especially thank her wonderful peers, the stage managers (Sam & Maia), and the choreographer (Lina). They helped her through every decision, and were there with her during every rehearsal. She’s so grateful for them, and she probably wouldn’t have been able to handle this responsibility without their help! "Congratulations to everyone who helped make this play amazing, and thank you!"

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