Sister Act - March 15 - March 18, 2018

Guilford High School

 Who's Who 

  • Evandia Penix


    Senior. Credits include: ALMOST, MAINE, THE WEDDING SINGER. At GHS, Evandia participates in Acting, Choir and Band. Thanks to her parents and siblings for pushing her to be better, and to Mrs. Wolf and Ms. Guido. After graduation, Evandia will attend college and pursue a major in Musical Theatre.

  • Emma Bowyer


    Senior. Credits include: INTO THE WOODS, THE WEDDING SINGER, THE WIZ. At GHS, Emma participates in Jazz Band. After graduation, Emma will enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps.

  • Hadassah Cooper


    Sophomore. Credits include: INTO THE WOODS at GHS, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, JONAH & THE BIG FISH, CANDLE IN A WINDOW, SERMON ON THE MOUND, BACK TO THE MANGER with First Free Rockford. At GHS, Hadassah participates in Choir, Band, Softball and #harmonics.

  • Madeline Roth


    Senior. Credits include: ALMOST, MAINE, INTO THE WOODS. At GHS, Madeline participates in Acting and Jazz Band. Thanks to her family and friends, her loving boyfriend, and Rick DeRango- the man who waves his arms. After graduation, Madeline will attend college and pursue a major in Music Education.

  • Allison Wilson


    Sophomore. Credits include: INTO THE WOODS at GHS, MARRY POPPINS at Starlight Theatre, ZOOM, THE LITTLE MERMAID, SUESSICAL JR with CTP/YTP. At GHS, Allison participates in Acting, Science Olympiad, Swimming and Inclusive Club.  Thanks to her mom and dad, family, and her friends.

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