Bye Bye Birdie - April 27 - April 29, 2018

Greenwood Christian Academy
Greenwood Christian Academy

A Musical Comedy


Book by Michael Stewart

Music by Charles Strouse

Lyrics by Lee Adams






Lexi Odgers 

Amelia Walters

Jakob Hall

Caleb Jackson

Grace Apgar

Hannah Elliott

Dustin Wagner


 Kelly Hagist

Isabel Houston

Tyler Rogian

Student Director Choreographers
Sarah Stephenson   Jana Tuttle & Jessica Miller


Musical Director


Fine Arts Director


Visual Director 


Aimee Taubitz


Bill Hardwick 


Nathan Barrow








Please turn off your cell phones, pager devices, tablets, and other electronics.  It is very distracting to people around you and to our actors.  It also interferes with the microphones that we use.  Recording of the show is prohibited.


Bye Bye Birdie is presented by arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc., 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022.