Rhiannon Schultz
as Eurydice
Rhiannon Schultz has been in theatre for 3 years, and she stars as Eurydice in Hadestown. Rhiannon has been a part of theatre and choir for all of high school and her voice and film making have increasingly been recognized year after year.
Grace Gomez
as Hermes
Grace has been a staple of the GRHS theatre department since Newsies. With lead a role in A Comedy of Errors her freshman year, Grace has graced our stage (pun intended) every year since. Grace plans on attending college next year where she will continue her love of theatre and McGriddles.
Afton Kight
as Eurydice
Afton wanted to dedicate this performance to either Mr. Steve Schwartz or that jar of dirt she once found in 3rd grade. Both are pretty awesome.
Ray Meyers
as Hermes
Ray has been apart of theatre for 2 years at GRHS. They are the marketing director for Hadestown, part of ensemble, and they are Hermes' understudy.
Keira Mollman
as Workers
Keira Mollman has been in theatre all 4 years of high school, and she is the dance captain for Hadestown, along with being a dancer herself.