Midsummer/Jersey - February 04 - February 05, 2022

Granville High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Willow Heichel head shot

    Willow Heichel

    Willow Heichel (Stage Manager) is a senior. This is her 10th show at GHS, and her first show as PSM. When she isn’t at school, she likes watching Marvel shows on Netflix, buildings LEGO sets, taking naps, spending quality time with her pets (two frogs, two cats, and three dogs), and listening to 60s, 70s, and 80s music. As you are reading this, she is probably sitting up in the booth in the back of the theatre, hoping she doesn’t mess up cues during the show. Besides that, she had a lot of fun working on this show and hopes you all enjoy!

  • Ella Holtsberry head shot

    Ella Holtsberry

    Ella Holtsberry (Assistant Stage Manager) is a junior. This is her millionth (8th) show at Granville High School. She honestly spends a weird amount of time in that theater, but it is definitely worth it. Outside of drama, she has a 4.3 gpa, knows how to bake, loves doing art, and is honestly perfect girlfriend material. But until some guy realizes this she will have to settle for flirting with her best friends Helena and Anabela. Her favorite movie is Dunkirk and it is definitely because of Cillian Murphy and not because some nerdy stuff like the nuances of surving in war. She is so excited for you all to see the show and thinks that you’ll really enjoy it. P.S This masterpiece of a bio was written by Anabela Vivero. If there are any follow up questions just go to her.

  • Daniel Nassirharand head shot

    Daniel Nassirharand

    Daniel (Assistant Stage Mannager) is a senior. The man. The myth. The Dan. There are few words that can fully encapsulate who, or, what, he is. One thing is for sure with him, however: He loves driving his red Honda Civic. He is trying to grow out his lucsious Iranian locks of smooth, rich, volumous curls. If you are more of an aquaintance/associate to him, please use the formal "Daniel" when addressing him. Freshmen may address him as "Grand Archduke". He hopes you enjoy the show, but will sleep absolutely fine if you don't. Xoxo

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