Mamma Mia - February 08 - February 10, 2024

Grand Prairie High School

 Who's Who 

  • Julia Gallegos

    as Sophie Sheridan

    Julia is a senior at GPHS and this is her first year in theatre. She is very excited to be able to meet the role of Sophie. Julia was previously cast as Marty in Grease and Sherry in Distracted. She's senior class president and part of the varsity show choir. Julia would like to thank her parents, sisters and twin for the support and encouragement they give her.

  • Kyra Chua

    as Ali

    Kyra Zorell Chua is a Senior in Grand Prairie High School. This is her second musical production and is excited to be a part of this year’s musical production “Mamma Mia”! Kyra has also stage managed  “Distracted” and “Kimberly Akimbo”. Kyra is also apart of the GPHS Varsity Show choir! Kyra can’t wait to go to Texas Woman’s in the fall to pursue her nursing career!

  • Serenity Nucharnat

    as Lisa

    Serenity Nucharnat is a Junior in her 2nd year in theatre. She’s done multiple shows; Kimberly Akimbo, GREASE, Distracted, and now MAMMA MIA! She’s created great memories throughout these 2 years. She’s been doing choir for over 7 years, and is in the Varsity Show Choir. She loves to be on stage, and can’t wait to be in more productions in the future!

  • Stephanie Juliana Cardenas

    as Donna Sheridan

    Stephanie plays the role of Donna. As president she couldn’t be more proud of her hard work. Previously she’s acted as Rizzo in Grease and Natalie in Distracted. Stephanie is grateful for her directors, peers, family and friends for having faith in her goals and dreams. She hopes to make a living performing. “Hold on to the memories, they will hold one to you” - T. Swift

  • Torria Sykes

    as Tanya

    Torria Sykes is a freshman at Grand Prairie High School, and this is her first musical production. She is also a Belcanto choir student and loves to watch movies, coloring, dancing, and singing. She would like to think all of her family who came to support her .

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