Puffs - November 07 - November 09, 2019

Grand Junction High School

 Who's Who 

  • Kate Hudak

    as Helga Hufflepuff

    Kate is a junior at Grand Junction High School and is PUMPED to be in the show! She has been an avid Harry Potter fan for a long time, and she saw Puffs live Off-Broadway in New York. She thanks her director, Ms. Neumiller, and her parents for being so good. She hopes you enjoy the show- and she hopes the Harry Potter community, Puffs included, can find something to relate to in the show!

  • Emi Norfolk

    as Hannah

    Emi is a Juinor at GJHS, and is excied to be Hannah in puffs. she has done every show the school has put on since her freshman year and is excited to be in future perormances.

  • Sarah Wells

    House Manager

    The third Sarah of the company, who joined this year and  would like to thank everyone for coming to the show. She is a freshman, with a lot of tude and love for tv shows.  She would like to thank her mom, dad, sister, brothers, and her sister’s cat, Also she plays dnd.

  • Genisis Allen

    Hair and Makeup

    Genisis is a Sophomore at Grand Junction Highschool and this is her first show ever, unless you count the one in 3rd Grade. She enjoys staying inside all day, long hot showers with rock music and enjoying sweets. She can be picked out of a crowd for her unnaturally colored hair.

    and pastel beanie with buttons. She wishes you all have a great time watching puffs.

  • Sarah Kralovec

    Prop head and Stage manager

    Sarah is a Senior at GJHS. she has been involved with theatre since her sophomore year, she is excited for you to see the show and would like to thank her mother for her support.

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