"Puffs," or "Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic & Magic," is a Harry Potter inspired comedy for anyone who has ever felt like a secondary character in someone else’s story. This play never goes more than a minute without a laugh built into the script. This play gives you a new look at a familiar adventure from the perspective of three new heroes just trying to make it through magic school. Alongside them are the Puffs, a group of well-meaning, loyal rejects with a love for badgers and snacks. Their epic journey takes the classic story to new places and reimagines what a boy wizard hero can be.
Directors Notes:
Lets get one thing clear....I'm 100% Ravenclaw.
I am also a HUGE Harry Potter nerd. I remember waiting in line when the books were released, and immediately reading them front to back in a single day. So When I heard about a Harry Potter play...I called dibs.
My classroom is right next to the kitchen....so basically my room is the Hufflepuff common room right? Well it definately has been the last few months.
This show was an incredible honor to direct. Not very often as a high school director do you get the opportunity to do a play that is a comedy about a book series you love, has lots of improv, can showcase over 30 kids on the stage, and have an unlimited amount of kids help off the stage.
Over 140 kids have had a hand in this show.
Every single thing you see in front of you on the stage was built and designed by students. The sound and lights you see are designed and run by students. The costumes, make-up and props were all built by students.
This is rare for a high school theatre program and I am incredibly proud of them and the work they have put into this production. Special thanks to my play production classes and theatre student aides who stepped in to make sure this happened.
I hope you enjoy this silly, fast paced show. I also hope you leave tonight how I left every rehearsal of Puffs: wonderfully exhausted, laughing, and feeling like you witnessed a little bit of magic.
Thank You,
Audrey Neumiller