Naomi Wharton
as Rafiki
Naomi is 10 years old and in Mrs. Bleach's 4th grade class. Her inspiration is to show she is not embarrassed to be herself. Her favorite part is when she sings "He Lives in You" and favorite song is "Circle of Life." Naomi is like Pumbaa because she knows how to handle her problems and is honest when she doesn't know things. Naomi would like to thank Mrs. Jensen because she is so helpful!
Kaden Lords
as Mufasa
Kaden is 11 years old and in Mrs. Nedegaard’s 6th grade class. His inspiration for Mufasa is his love of acting and very deep voice. His favorite part is when he gets to come back as a spirit and favorite song is “He Lives in You.” Kaden would like to thank his parents, Janette Bishoff, Mrs. Jensen, and his wonderful costume designers and make up artists.
Kasey Cunningham
as Sarabi
Kasey is 11 and in Mrs. Rivera’s 6th grade class. Her inspiration is the fact that she is a Queen in the musical, and Queens have to act calm and serious. Her favorite part is the “Luau Hawaiian Treat” and favorite song is “Hakuna Matata.” Kasey is like Timon – she can be funny, dramatic and easily annoyed. Kasey would like to thank her Mom & Dad for helping her.
Kaylee Kinnersley
as Zazu
Kaylee is 11 and in Mrs. Blanchard’s 5th grade class. Her inspiration for Zazu is that she is a smart alec and sarcastic. Her favorite part is the “Circle of Life” because you get to see all of the animals come and celebrate the newborn king. Favorite song is “I Just Can’t Wait to be King.” Kaylee is more of a Timon person – she doesn’t take anything too seriously. Kaylee would like to thank Mrs. Jensen because she encouraged her to audition.