The Lion King Jr - March 09

Good Foundations Academy

 African Languages Glossary 

The Lioness Hunt (Zulu)

Ah ha hayi (ya): (roaring sounds)  We baba (WEH bah-bah): Oh, father.

Zingela, siyoz ingela, baba (zeen-GEH-Iah see-YO zeen-GEH-Iah bah-bah): Hunt-let's go hunt, father.

Hi baba (HAl bah-bah): Oh, father.

S'qhubekeni, siyo zingela (S<click>OO-beh-KEH-nee see-YO zeen-GEH-Iah): Let's proceed - let's go hunt.


The Stampede (Zulu)

Yona yona yona(YOH-nah YOH-nah YOH-nah): Here it comes! 

Baba, wami baba(BAH-bah WAHMEE BAH-bah): Father, oh my father!


The Mourning

Hamela, hamela, hamela (HAH-meh-lah): (breathy expression of grief)


Hakuna Matata (Swahili)

Hakuna matata (hah-KOO-nah mah-TAH-tah): No worries.


Shadowland (Setswana, Zulu)

Fatshe leso lea halalela (FAT-SEE LEH-SOO LEE-AH HAH-Iah-LEH-Lah):This land of our ancestors is holy. (Setswana)

Ngizo buyabo (GEE-zoh BOO-yah-boh): I will return. (Zulu)

Beso bo(BEH-soo boh): My people. (Setswana)


Tamatiso (Zulu)

Tamatiso, a so, a helele ma (tah-mah-tee-SOH ah SOH ah HEH-Ieh-leh MAH):

(A popular South African nursery rhyme underscoring children's fondness for ketchup / tomato sauce)


He Lives in You (Zulu)

lngonyama nengwe 'namabala (een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh nah-mah-BAH­  Iah): 

The lion wears the leopard spots. (denoteroyalty)

Oh oh iyo (OH OH ee-YOH): (ancestral echoes that imply "This iit!")

Mamela (MAH-meh-lah): Listen.

Ubukhosi bokhokho (00-boo-KHOH-see boh-KHOH-khoh): This is the throne of our ancestors!

We ndodana ye sizwe sonke (WEN doh-DAH-nah yehSEEZ-we SOHNk): Oh, this  son of our nation!

Hela, hem marnela (HEH-Iah HEM mah-MEH-Iah): Pay attention and experience this.


Finale (Zulu)

Busa le lizwe bo (BOO-sah leh LEEZ-weh boh): Rule this precious land.

Busa lomhlaba (BOO-sah LOM-hhlah-bah): Rule this earth.

Busa ngo thando bo (BOO-san GO TAN-do boh): Rule with love.

Oh, busa Simba iyo (oh BOO-sah SEEM-bah YOH): Oh, rule, Simba.


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