Administration & Staff:
David Dau Executive Director
Anna Long Curriculum Director
Shelly Wickham Character Director
Jana Adams Administrative Assistant
JoAnn Adams Administrative Assistant
Mike Henderson Head Custodian
Board of Directors:
Michelle Arnold President
Brittany Bekins Treasurer
Steve Hepburn Board Member
Tom Koehler Founding Board Member
Kathy Richins Board Secretary
Circle of Life with Nants'lngonyama (Xhosa)
Nants'ingonyama, bakithi, baba (NANTS een-GON-yah-mah bah-KEE-teebah BAH): Here comes the lion, my people, the father (of our nation).
Sithihu'ngonyama (SEE-teeWHOOgon-YAH-mah): We hail this coming of the lion.
'Ngonyama nengwe bo (GON-yah-mah NEN-gwayboh): The lion and the leopard
Nants'ingonyama, bakithi babo (NANTS een-GON-yah-mah bah-KEE-teebah BOH): Here comes the lion, my dear people.
Sizonqo' (SEE-zoh N<click> OH): We will have victory!
lngonyama nengwe'namabala (een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gwehnah-mah-BAH Iah): The lion wears the leopard spots. (denotes royalty)
lngonyama nengwe wema (een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh WEH-mah): The lion and the leopard, oh what a sight!
Bolek'ingonyam'i ya gale' (BAH-lek een-gon-YAH-mee YAH gah-LEH): Run, the lion will attack!
Grasslands Chant (Zulu)
Zm zm zmm: (sounds of wind in the grass)
Mama ye (mah-mahYEH): Mother Earth / Wow...
Woza, 'mfana. Oh, woza! (WO-zah MFAN-ah oh WO-zah): Come, son. Oh, come!
Oh, woza! (Oh WO-zah): Oh, come.
Busa le lizwe bo (BOO-sah leh LEEZ-weh boh): Rule this precious land!
Busa lomhlaba (BOO-sah LOM-hhla-bah): Rule this earth.
Busa ngo thando bo (BOO-san GO TAN-doh boh): Rule with love.
He um hem, ya oh ha: (imitation of animal sounds -bull, donkey, horse - to connect with animal spirits)