To Erica Maller, Jordan Maller, Christopher Maller & Elizabeth Maller for their love and support over the years and for the assistance and emotional support they freely give to me in all my productions.
To Madison Simms for sharing her amazing talent and expertise with the students of Gleneagle Secondary. And for being the greatest Co-Director a person could ask for. Thank you for being such a supportive and collaborative partner on this production. I am forever in awe of your great vision and creativity
To the office staff, Lisa Chan, Irene Schoemaker, Lisa Jorgensen, Larissa MacPherson, Kerry Sandrin and Arlene Yahemech for their incredible support on this production.
To our amazing chefs and cafeteria staff: Frank Abbinante, Roberto Arciaga, Angela Plasman and Joy Vallarsa for their support and tolerance of our set construction inconveniences. You are amazing people thank you.
To Eddie Trovato for the use of additional equipment and space and for being flexible with students' schedules.
To our custodial staff for working so hard to accomodate and support us.
To my friends and the Coquitlam Chorale members that always support the work of my students. I hope you enjoy the show.
To my music mentors, Tim Laithewaite, Jim Bryson, Jim Tempest, James Fankhauser, Wayne Sawyer, and Diane Loomer for helping me continue to grow as a musican, leader, director and teacher.
To the staff at Gleneagle Secondary School who have created a truly joyful environment to work. Thank you for all your support of our shows and our drama and musical theatre students.
To our administration here at Gleneagle:Glen Conley, Todd Smith, Jason Bingley, Kathryn Jung and Shawn O'Brien. It is a great pleasure to work with all of you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to produce this show.
And to the parents, friends and relatives who always come out to support live theatre. Thank you.