The Prom - May 03 - May 13, 2022

Glenealge Secondary School
Gleneagle Secondary School
Gleneagle Performing Arts


Music by

Matthew Sklar

Book and Lyrics by

Chad Beguelin

Book by

Bob Martin


Based on an original concept by Jack Viertel



Nathan Nishimura

Avery Johnstone

Finnegan Price

Abegail Avramenko

Indah Del Bianco

Chloe Summer

Hannah Strocel

Natalie Mitchell

David Toledo




Gyu Min Jang

Devon Brooks

Julia Heinzen

Austin Brooks


Stage Manager

Claire Joy-Gelbanks


Set Construction 

Justin Maller &

Theatre Production

Sound Manager

Trevor Ho


Props Manager

Kayla Fujimoto


Lighting Manager

JooYeon Lee


Costumes Managers

Shan Huang &

Ariana Fuoco



Jhairon Apelado, Jazmine Cabaluna, Vanessa De La Torre, Kira Egerly-Haley,

Jamie Epp, Megan Halfnights, Selina Jia, Anabelle Lim, Hana Lowey,

Kai Lye, Emily Mandev, Dakota Martin, Viktor May-Savage,

Alexis Nguyen, Selena Nguyen, Chloe Pattison-Conrad,

Jordan Silvaggio, Jacob Strocel, Grace Zhang.



Assistant Direction and Choreography by

Candice Kerr

Artistic, Musical and Technical Direction by

Justin Maller

Presented with special permission from