West Side Story - April 30 - May 10, 2019

Glenealge Secondary School


We'd like to say a few very special thank yous to the following for all their help with our Production. We would not have been able to do it without them:


-Cindy Quach (tickets, murder mystery, couch raffle, everything!)


-Mike Kovac & Ryan Bolton (fight choreography)


-Waleed Hakeem (auditions) 


-Amy Clausen (helping with the transition to a new teacher and continuing Gleneagle's great musical theatre traditions.)


-Ken Cober, Kim Cueller, Mike Chan, Christine Potter-Smith (our Admin Team)


-Peter Poka & Dennis Joel (set construction)


-Eddie Trovato (sound equipment)


-Colin Chung, Brian Hunter, Lynda Lewis, Joanne Leblond, George Sekulovich (set painting)


-Kristin Austman, Colleen Kennedy, Brittany Galiford, Ken Cober, Dave Salisbury, Scott Findley, Ali Tootian, Kathryn Welsh, Chirstin Potter-Smith (Murder Mystery cast)


-Jamie Clayton, Lisa Chan, Joanne Leblond (Murder Mystery help)


-Lisa Chan, Arlene Yahemech, Ester Pfingsten (ticket sales)


-Ms. Croft's art club students (set painting) 


-Angela Stevens and her students (program)




-All our amazing parents that have helped their kids with late nights, costumes, attending fundraisers, and their support for the theatre. 


- The Maller, Learmonth, Britten, and Nelson families for supporting us on all our hours that we spend away from home. 

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