Nuha Husain
Programs Head
Nuha is a Sophomore this year, and she is a programs head for this show. She is in PAB, MAWI, and Eco-Club. Nuha did business for Guys an Dolls, and crew for Almost, Maine. She would like to say a special thank you to all the wonderful and supportive people in business, her parents, and Sean for being a great co-head. And remember always submit your bios on time.
Sean Swikle
Programs Head
This is Sean’s second time helping out business for a Glenbard West show. Along with theatre, Sean is part of Newspaper, MAWI, Choir, and Eco-Club. You may have seen him Guys and Dolls or The Frogs. He would like to thank Nuha for being an awesome Co-Programs Head.
Claudia Pyka
Tickets Head
This is Claudia's fourth time being part of tickets. She's involved in Student Council, FCA, MAWI, and One Voice Choir. She was Student Business Director for last year's winter play The Miracle Worker and was in this year's play The Frogs. She loves her family and friends very much.
Jaclyn Dougherty
Publicity Head
Jaclyn is a Sophomore and is the Publicity Head. Outside of theatre, she is in Best Buddies and Students Council. In the past, she acted in Footloose, The Miracle Worker, and Guys in Dolls. She has done business for Almost Maine and makeup for Frogs. She would like to thank her brother Brennan.
Will Metcalf
House Head
Will is a Sophomore this year, and he is a Co-House Head. He is excited for his first year in Theatre. Other than theatre Will is in Forensics. He would like to say a special thanks to his parents and his dog. And remember the five food groups, bread, bread, bread, bread, and bread.