Alex Rogers
as Prince Dauntless
Alex has participated in the musical for four years and has played the roles of ensemble, Maurice, Mr. Mayor, and Prince Dauntless. His favorite musical memory is the opening show on Saturday night followed by the cast party. His advice to newcomers would be to try new things and be open to new ideas. You're never too extra!
Shelby Norton
as Queen Aggravain
Shelby plays the role of the queen in this years musical! Her favorite memory would be everyone being so surprised in the first practice when she did her “monologue.” Her favorite cast meal will always be pizza on the first night practice. If she were to have a superpower it would be invisibility.
Vanessa Arvizu-Ersland
as Princess Winnifred
Vanessa plays Princess Winnifred. Her favorite memory this year was watching four guys learn how to catch her as she fell off of a box. Her favorite cast meal has been the walking tacos provided by Ms. George. If Vanessa had one superpower, it would be the ability to read minds because she's nosy :)
Hudson Clark
as King Sextimus the Silent
Hudson plays King Sextimus the mute. Hudson's favorite meal was the hamburgers because they were "oh so good." If Hudson had a superpower he would have the power of Friendship, because there is no better cure to evil than being a friend.
Cameron Sieh
Sir Harry's favorite part of the musical is being on stage with his classmates. He loved the spaghetti. Sir Harry's super power would be to fly.