A Special Thanks to...
Austin Garofalo, Melissa Lantz, Susan Gualtieri,
Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Furstenau and Mrs. Holzman
for all your incredible assistance.
All of the GHHMS faculty for the countless ways you’ve helped and supported this production, especially Rich Salcito for getting us off the ground!
The Custodial Staff for being truly amazing and supportive.
Actorsingers of Nashua
Coraccio Family
David Minkle
Deja Vu
Derry News
Doug Rathburn
Evelyn Mountain
Jodi Nelson
Kerran Vigroux
Kids Coop Theatre
Mark Beland
Michele Geary
Nutfield News
Peter Dusaitis
Rick Ganley
Spellman Family
Stephanie Laskiewicz
Tracey Collins
Vinson Family
And, of course, all the other dedicated Keynote Chairs
and volunteers, without whose help this production
would not be possible.