Abdurazak Ali
Abdurazak is a student at Garfield High school. He works at Walgreens. He would like to thank his friends for the love and encouragement and people who helped him through this great work, and audience for supporting our theater. Enjoy the show!
Tal Brown*
Stage Manager
Tal is a junior and is so excited to be working on Mamma Mia! This is their third major show at Garfield and they have previously worked as Props in The Little Mermaid and Stage Manager in Radium Girls. They want to thank their old CD player for always playing ABBA (because Tal couldn't figure out how to switch CDs) so they could be super ready to rumble for Mamma Mia! They hope you enjoy the show and remember, reading your mom's diary might not always be the best idea.
Carmen "Marc" Chercover
Carmen "Marc" Chercover is a freshmen at Garfield High School. They have had a passion for theater for many years, but this is their first role on the tech crew. They have played the roles of Jack Youngwood in Radium Girl, and Alice in Alice in Wonderland. They are moderately excited to be working on Mamma Mia. Their favorite parts of the stage is Stage left, and the catwalks. Also, they would like to thank Ody Trooksin-Zoller and Tal Brown for dealing with their occasional mental breakdowns.
Matilda Engelson
Co-Costume Designer
Matilda is tired but still excited to present her hard work on Mamma Mia! This is her third show, excluding childhood masterpieces of Swimmy (Eel) and Where the Wild Things Are (Boat). She’s so proud of her costume team and can’t wait to show off their blood, sweat, and tear-stained clothes! Enjoy the show and if you hear yelling coming from backstage, no you don’t.