Zoey Porter
as Elle Woods
Zoey Porter is 14 years old. She is Elle Woods and her past roles include Frenchy in Grease and her personal favorite was a horse. She is “so much better” because of everyone around her and especially her PawPaw.
Cooper Alfiero
as Emmett Forrest
Cooper Alfiero is a 13-year-old, rising 8th grader. His previous roles include Doody in Grease. Cooper is "so much better" because of his Grandmother for teaching him so much the past 13 years of his life.
Hannah Roberts
as Paulette
Hannah Roberts is a rising freshman at PMHS. Her
previous roles include playing an Ancestor in The
Addams Family. She is “so much better” because of
Mrs. Stone’s theatre class.
Ashton Couper
as Professor Callahan
Ashton Couper is a rising 8th grader at GRMS. He is excited to be a part of Legally Blonde, Jr. Ashton is "so much better" because of his friend and family.
Brooke Biermann
as Brooke Wyndam
Brooke is 14 years old and is a rising 9th grader. She has been doing theatre with Mrs. Stone since 4th grade. One of her past roles includes Alice in The Addams Family. Brooke is "so much better" because Mrs. Stone always pushes her to do her best and she is so thankful for that.