Legally Blonde The Musical, Jr. - July 10

Gamble Rogers Middle School


There are so many people that have contributed to this amazing production, I would like to take a second to thank them.


My amazing husband Chris Stone and Daughter Adeline Stone, Parents: Earlene and Taylor Pearson, and friends Kaitlyn Komando, for all of your love and support.


Kyle Dresbeck, Student Services


GRMS Administrators, Staff, and Facilities Staff for their ongoing assistance.



Thank you to Mr. Carraquillo and Lowe's for their donation of masks.


Wernicks and Sons for lumber donation


John Valdes and Associates for Construction coordinated by Steve Porter


Mr. Carrasquillo and Lowe’s for their donation of masks


Mr. Willott for taking cast photos


Cruce, Bierman, and Johnson families for providing dinner for the cast


Murphy Alexander from SJCSD for livestreaming today’s performance, SJCSD Community Relations Staff for videotaping.





All of our Business Partners and Patrons. 



SJCSD Community Relations Staff for videotaping.



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