Special thanks to...
Mr. Singer, Effie Johnson, Cindy Shelton, Bert Ward, Tom Gregory, Tyler Bruns, Mike Kunselman and the GLHS FabLab, Trevor Taylor, Brian Ritchey - O'Neil Tents, The Performing Arts Boosters, The "P.I.T" (Patrons and Parents In Theatre), Cast and Crews of 26 Pebbles, our families, our friends, the Gahanna Community, the GLHS Staff/Administration, and to all who have helped us since this program went to press.
Directors Corner...
There are certain life moments we remember so vividly, that we are able to recall every little detail. These significant emotional events changed our lives, and the way we saw the world, forever. It was that way for me with the asassination of JFK, that Tuesday of September 11th, and that December day in 2012 when 26 Sandy Hook Elementary staff and students were gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut.
Our play begins on that 12th of December, and while that day is the catalyst for our story telling, I believe that this important and courageous play centers more specifically on the days which followed that horrific event. The world witnessed the worst of mankind. We were glued to the evening news and our hearts went into our throats every time a "special bulletin" flashed across our screen. We became a part of the disbelief, the anger, the sadness and the grief and were silently (and maybe with a little guilt) relieved that this nightmare wasn't being played out in our town. But even in these most horrible circumstances we were also able to witness the light of a community coming together and holding each other up, offering strength, resilicence and healing.
It takes courage to heal. It takes courage to hope. It takes courage to love again. Thank you, people of Newtown and playwright, Eric Ulloa, for being brave enough to share these beautiful stories with us. We are learning from you what it means to be better: better husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends, and, most importantly, better human beings.
"It's all about how our ripple out, and what these vibrations can be. We are love. We are Newtown. That message says it all." It certainly does.
Enjoy the show.