Special thanks to...
Effie Johnson, Cindy Shelton, Bert Ward, Tyler Bruns, Nick Komjati, Mike Kunselman, The Performing Arts Boosters, The "P.I.T" (Parents In Theatre) Crew, our familes, our friends, the Gahanna Community, the GLHS Staff/Administration, and to all who have helped us since this program went to press.
Directors Corner...
It’s the waiting we don’t like. We humans are not a patient species. We don’t like to wait for service or for people or for love. We become perturbed at the amount of time it takes to get through grocery lines and traffic lights. In our world, where we can retrieve information on any subject in less time than it takes us to blink, we get impatient when the answers we want don’t appear fully and instantly.
Why, oh why, can’t we have what we want right NOW?
Because sometimes it isn’t about what we want; sometimes it is about what we need. It’s not always about solving a problem instantaneously but working through the problem and accepting the solution. And that takes time.
Yes, we are an inpatient society. We become frustrated by imperfections…in ourselves and others. But love is just that: imperfect. It’s these imperfections which we need to celebrate and appreciate. Because, “…you gotta hold on to people or you lose ‘em…”
So hold on…imperfections and all.
Enjoy the show.