Cast Members
Sweeney Todd (3/4, 3/5 Mat., 3/12)
Alex Gotch
Sweeney Todd (3/5, 3/11, 3/12 Mat.)
Josiah Haugen
Mrs. Nellie Lovett (3/4, 3/5 Mat., 3/12)
Alexa Hillman
Mrs. Nellie Lovett (3/5, 3/11, 3/12 Mat.)
Nicole Wormley
Johanna (3/5, 3/11, 3/12 Mat.)
Emma Kremer
Johanna (3/4, 3/5 Mat., 3/12)
Grace Weatrowski
Tobias Ragg
Devin Ricklef
Judge Turpin
Zachary Bane
Beggar Woman
Sarah Ritter
Adolfo Pirelli and Company
Michael Laverde
Beadle Bamford (3/5, 3/11, 3/12 Mat.)
Noah Martinez
Beadle Bamford (3/4, 3/5 Mat., 3/12)
Samuel Derro
Jonas Fogg (3/4, 3/5 Mat., 3/12), Lunatic and Company
Lindsey Biggy
Jonas Fogg (3/5, 3/11, 3/12 Mat.), Grave Digger, Police Officer and Company
Daniel Chaderjian
Customer's Wife, Lunatic and Company
Ana Bane
Lunatic and Company
Caroline Bilger
Young Prisoner, Child and Company
Timothy Coleman
Lunatic and Company
Natalie Carter
Lunatic and Company
Kimberly Duck
Lunatic and Company
Elizabeth Gimple
Police Officer and Company
Tate Heinle
Lunatic and Company
Allison Jeu
Young Lucy, Lunatic and Company
Abigail Lange
Lunatic and Company
Breanna Love
Lunatic and Company
Janine Lutfi
Police Chief, Customer 3 and Company
Vladimir Meza