Matilda the Musical -

Fullerton Union High School

 Director's Notes 

Welcome to the Historic Plummer Auditorium. Our season this year is inspired by the Mark Twain quote  "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus". This perfectly captures what we all strive to accomplish as artists. We all want an opportunity to use our imaginations to create and give a voice to those who do not have one, but we cannot do this without exploration, empathy and the ability to look beyond our own station in life. This season gives us a chance to envelop ourselves in moments of truth, wonder and humanness. Whether the story is about love…or lack thereof, Greek myths, closure after tragedy, or the perseverance to overcome our fears and stand up for what is right, we are sure to find something that gets our imagination roaring! So please, let's use our imaginations, trust our eyes and dive in headfirst. 


I have wanted to direct MATILDA since I saw it on Broadway. Many people approached me and asked how I would be able to do this production that features young characters when all I have access to are high school actors. Often, as a director of high school students I direct shows where we need students to play older. They wear their age makeup and tread the boards pretending to have the life experience necessary to execute mature characters. This should be no different than playing a six year old. What an incredible opportunity for our students to get back in touch with their imaginations and their own sense of play.


What the world is missing right now is the ability to use our ingenuity. Television, movies, video games, and even our cell phones have replaced books and other print media. We rarely have the chance to imagine what is happening while we read. Matilda, through this story, teaches us about the power of creativity, the importance of reading, and the necessity to stand up for what is right.


MATILDA is about a little girl who overcomes her situation in life. This got me thinking about all of the famous women throughout history who have fought for what is right, overcome discrimination, and who ultimately paved the way for the women who live today. We still have a long way to go, but as artists we have a duty to tell these stories so that the next generation of women and men, not only understand the previous struggle, but also continue to work to change the system. What I love about this story is that a strong female is the lead and she does not need a male to fall in love with in order for her story to be complete. This is a story about overcoming all odds and standing for what is right and fair.  


According to the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) MATILDA premiered at the RSC Courtyard Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon in November 2010, playing to sold-out audiences before transferring to London’s West End. It opened at the Cambridge Theatre in October 2011 and is currently booking until December 2020. The production went on to smash theatreland records when it scooped a total of seven awards at the 2012 Laurence Olivier Awards, securing its place in the Book of Guinness World Records for Most Laurence Olivier Award wins. In Spring 2013 MATILDA opened on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre where it won four Tony Awards (


A huge thank you to the following people for the energy and time they have put into this FUHS production. My dear friend and partner, Genni Klein, for your endless love and creative passion. Beverly Shirk and the Student Costume Designers (Emily Laguna and Scarlet Marenco) for your ability to make things come to life visually. Andrea Oberlander, Troy Trimble and Stacy Kikkawa you three are the best collaborators I could ask for! Tony Gonzalez and Evan Shirk for your work in Plummer and the endless collaboration that always supports our productions, students, and the technical theatre class. Nathaniel Castaneda for your energy, organization, and leadership. Georgia Rau for your time and creativity. Aurora Edmonson and Jeremy Kraus for taking on a leadership role and executing it flawlessly. David Renken for your love and understanding of my commitments. The FUHS Drama Booster Club for all of your continued support of this program and your students. A HUGE thank you Shadia Jeha for your support and the wonderful feast you put together for the Meet and Greet. Finally, MATILDA Cast and Crew for the pleasure I have had collaborating with you on this project and your willingness to play like six year old!


Mr. Despars

Theatrical Arts Director

California Educational Theatre Association, President

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