This year’s production is a result of the combined and unique talents of over 170 students, staff and community members. The entire Drama Club would like to thank the following people and organizations for making our show possible!
- Fugett Administrators Dr. Fears, Dr. Mitchell, and Mrs. Yabor for their support of the Drama Club.
- The Fugett PTO for their financial support of our show this year!
- The Fugett Faculty and Staff - particularly Mrs. Schneider, Ms. Knaster, Mr. Brooks, Ms. Hart, Mrs. Mizak, and Mr. Jewell.
- Ms. Sarah Vogan, for her hard work designing the choreography and helping our actors learn their steps!
- Mrs. Jamie Agamalian, Mr. Marcel Barbezat, Mrs. Patti Scorsone, Mrs. Christina Ayoub, Mrs. Tara Kowalski, “Uncle Charlie” Fry, Mrs. Coleen Barbezat, Mrs. Connie Bernard, Mrs. Heather Greco, Ms. Joy Vining-Crozier, and Fugett alums Maddie Barbezat, Alex Scorsone, and Ryan Agamalian for taking on incredibly important roles as our Costume/Props manager, Set Builders, Stage Crew Manager, Makeup and Hair Managers, Ticketing Manager, Concessions, and Ads. Our show very truthfully could not have run without your tireless work and support!!
- The parents and families of our cast and crew for their support, assistance at practices, and donation of props, costumes, and makeup!
- A special thanks to Mrs. Dottie Foley for being our photographer & preparing the cast photos you see in the program and in the hall outside the auditorium!
- The wonderful local businesses who sponsored ads in our program—please patronize these excellent community members!!
- The East Theatre Company, under the direction of Mrs. Werner and Mrs. Boyd, for their support!
- Fugett Maintenance staff, particularly Mr. Charles Hammond, Mr. Tripp Williams, and Mr. James Peery, for their supportive work in preparing the stage, auditorium and halls for tonight’s performance.
- Our directors’ wonderfully understanding partners for putting up with our long hours and non-stop talking about Drama Club for four months.
- And finally, to our audiences for coming out and celebrating the important place the arts hold in our students’ lives and education! We can't thank you enough!
A note from Mr. Hill to the 8th grade class:
Your middle school experience began in the middle of a pandemic, and yet many of you took a leap of faith and joined our masked production of “Music Man, Jr.” And then last year, you came back (and brought friends) to revisit Agrabah for “Aladdin, Jr” and brought faces back to the stage (and the audience!). You’ve learned and grown so much over these last three years, both as musicians and as people, and I will forever grateful for the time we’ve worked together. Congratulations to all of you, and I wish you nothing but the best in your future!