The Music Man, Jr. - May 21 - May 22, 2021

Fugett Middle School Drama Club


The Fugett Drama Club would like to thank a few folks who have helped us put together a successful performance in such challenging times:

  • The Fugett administrative team: Mr. Small, Ms. Pavlo, Dr. Mitchell, for their support and flexibility 

  • Mrs. Criscuolo, our school nurse, who has been a constant source of guidance as she helped keep our students and staff safe

  • The Fugett Maintenance staff, led by Mr. Kelly, for their help in clearing the stage for us to use in rehearsals. 

  • Mr. Jake Brancati, Mr. Hill's student teacher, for his assistance with rehearsals and fun new drama games

  • The Fugett staff for their support and check-ins to make sure the directors kept their (relative) sanity

  • Mr. Ken Torres-Zickler and Mr. Buddy Hill, for filming and editing our show and for creating the graphics, respectively.

  • The Parents and family members of our cast, for their ability to PIVOT(!) with us throughout this season as we faced schedule changes and COVID quarantines


Finally, a word from your directors:


To say that this has been a challenging year would be the understatement of the century.  From the demoralizing cancellation of last year's production after so much hard work by so many, to the continued hurdles this year has thrown in our way, the Fugett Drama Club students have continually risen to the various challenges, and for that and EVERYTHING else, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Mizak are eternally proud of you and grateful to have had the chance to work with you. We hope you have enjoyed our time together, and feel great about the finished product we were able to create as a community. 


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