Aladdin Jr. (New) - April 28 - April 30, 2021

Ft. Herriman Middle School

 End Notes 

Director's Note


Last year we were on track to perform this beautiful show before Covid took away that opportunity. For a year, performers everywhere have struggled with the loss of performance opportunities. Performing is who we are. No one can change that. It was a devestating loss. We tried to postpone again and again before deciding that it just was not an obtainable goal. We mourned and worked through our grief together as a cast. I knew that this show still needed to go on, even if it was with a different cast. 


For months, the sets collected dust as they sat in this empty auditorium. I was so excited when we were able to come back in-person. My new stage crew picked up where last year's left off. They took these unfinished, dust covered sets and transformed them into beautiful peices of art. We had to adapt a lot from last year but the students took what was in my brain and were able to put it on our stage. 


I am constantly impressed by the quality of students we get here at FHMS. They work so hard to achieve their goals. They continuously seek opportunities to learn and grow.


Aladdin is a beautiful show about being true to who you are. When you work with middle school students, you see this as a constant battle. The students want to "be cool" and "fit in" and will do anything to change themselves just to be liked even if it makes them miserable. Students: other people don't matter. The only person who's judgement matters is yourself. You have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of who you are. It's time to drop the act and be you. Be yourself and people will wonder how you got to be so incredible. 



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