The Little Mermaid - March 06 - March 07, 2020

Frelinghuysen Middle School Theatre

 Who's Who 

  • Naina Slaughter head shot

    Naina Slaughter

    as Ariel

    This is Naina's 3rd FMS musical. She has really enjoyed the past productions. She would like to thank Mrs. Montague, Mrs. Bozza, and Mrs. Molinaro for all their hard work, and for putting on another amazing show.

  • Roman Santaniello head shot

    Roman Santaniello

    as Prince Eric

    Roman Santaniello has been in all Frelinghuysen middle school productions for the last three years. Roman is excited to be apart of his last FMS production, and will always have fond memories of his time being a part of them. In the future Roman looks forward to hopefully being in high school productions, and whatever else comes his way.

  • Caitlyn Ma head shot

    Caitlyn Ma

    as Sebastian

    Caitlyn Ma is shore glad to be doing TLM! She has been in past productions such as Snow White, Cinderella, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan, the Sound of Music, and more recently at FMS, Guys and Dolls as a Hotbox Farmette, and Annie as Annie. She hopes to study animals later in life, and she's had a shell of a good time working with all the cast and crew this year!

  • Christopher McNeil head shot

    Christopher McNeil

    as King Triton

    I started the school play in 7th Grade. I didn't really take it seriously, only signing up as a joke. But as the show progressed and we got better, I realized that I was really enjoying spending time with my friends and working on my lines. Once we finally put on the big show I really found out how much I loved doing this, and how much I was truly going to miss everyone here.

  • Michelle Lee head shot

    Michelle Lee

    as Ursula

    Michelle Lee is an 8th grader in love with musical theatre. She has done all past FMS shows, including Guys and Dolls as a Hot Box Girl and Annie as Lily St.Regis. Michelle Lee has also done other productions out of school some of the most notable being Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and The Fantasticks. She hopes to become an actress later on in life. She loves to sing, dance and act and hopes to spread her passion to as many others as she can.

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